Saturday, April 21, 2012

S: Sarah-with-an-H

I have an unpronounceable last name.  I long ago gave up on correcting the pronunciation and am not at all offended when people get it wrong.  A favorite story is a now-retired judge who would pronounce my name differently each time he addressed me in court.  I don't care a whit.  However, all bets are off if you spell my first name - Sarah - without the "H".  It has become somewhat of a theory with me that there is a distinct difference between the Saras of the world and the Sarahs.  And I do not mean that either is better or worse, we just tend to fall into different categories of personality.  In my anecdotal experience, the Saras tend to be more the cheerleader types - girly and bouncy and life of the party types.  The Sarahs, while also generally smart and funny and good to be around, tend to be less frilly and more, dare I say it, solid and straightforward.  Which is why I will always, and I mean always, correct you if you spell my name wrong - because otherwise you will be looking for the entirely wrong person.

And, because I can't leave the letter "S" without paying some homage to the City of My Heart, here's to Seattle.  I love it, I miss it, and as I was on the road most of the day yesterday, criss crossing the State of Minnesota but ending up in Brookings, South Dakota for the weekend, I desperately wish I'd have been on a plane to Seattle instead.  You can read more about my relationship with Seattle here.


  1. Love your thoughts on the h's versus those without! I used to feels similar was about girls who called themselves ONdrea versus ANdrea (I am the latter, ,less fancy one)

  2. Hello Sarah with an "H". :) I've a niece named Sarah. She's only 10 and already her personality seems to fit her name.
    As far as Last names go, my maiden name was always pronounced wrong and it was only 6 letters long. My married name is 13 letters long and people don't even try to pronounce it.
    Cute post btw.

    Stopping in via the A-Z blogging challenge and decided to follow.

    Bev @ Blue Velvet Vincent

    1. Thanks for coming by and double thanks for following!

  3. You know, I never thought about the difference between Sara and Sarah but you are right! It is such a pretty name no matter how you spell it though. Were I to be named Sarah, that's the one it would be.
    I think we've talked about this before but did you take your husband's name upon marriage? Or is the unpronounceable name the name of your childhood? I retained the name of my childhood for lots of reasons but a big one is, I like it!

    1. I do not share my current husband's name - I was married briefly after college and changed my name then, and changed back when we divorced which was a HUGE pain in the butt. I vowed never to change again. And then I was 36 when I met Sean, and was just too used to my name to change it. It might be unpronounceable but it's my name...

  4. I feel the same way about Michelle with two L''s the only way to be!


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