Tuesday, May 1, 2012


For the past five years, I've been singing in a regional chorale which just wrapped up its 10th season in existence.  I've always known how amazing it is to sing in a group of 50-60 voices and feel like I'm contributing some very small piece to this musical thing that is far and away bigger than me.  And it's really a stretch for me, since I have no musical education and am, by nature, not a very left-brained person - I have learned so much about music in the last five years, and discovered that I can successfully push myself in this foreign arena.  I am not much of a crier, but have been known to burst into tears while singing because my heart is just getting too big for my chest in the moment. 

To celebrate the 10th season, we performed Mozart's Requiem this spring season.  About 60 singers and a 20-ish piece orchestra.  I know very little about music and had to assume this was a big deal when every time someone heard what we were doing they went "Ohhhhhh!" And in the performing, given that any one of us could really only hear what was going on in the little area around us, I also have to trust the director, and several musically-inclined audience members, that the combined effort was amazing.  That makes me happy. 

By the time we get to concert time, I am usually plenty tired of the music, plenty tired of rehearsals, and I do not look forward to putting on our "bat dresses" with all the attendant concert nonsense ... but performing is usually pretty fun.  And then when it's all over, I am so very glad I did it. 

Congrats to the Legacy Chorale of Greater Minnesota for another successful season, and here's to another ten years! 


  1. I am so in awe of people who sing . . .music has such a way of touching our souls. Glad it brings you such happiness.

  2. My singing has been confined to the shower and Rock Band. I am a little envious of what you are a part of! Good for you! :)

  3. Sounds great! I have never been part of a chorus (not sure I can sing) but at least I am uninhibited - I have no problem breaking into song no matter where I might be - but I don't think it sounds good!

  4. Thanks for sharing your little slice of joy with us!


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